Thursday, March 17, 2022

sample spotting saddo (chemistry lesson)


samples ( a sample from?) this tune

 A Britrap track

But where does the original "people of chemistry ... people of rhythm" come from? A Nation of Islam speech? 

It also pops up in this hardhouse track from 2000

Krome and Time's fab remix of "Illegal Subs"

This whole EP - or pair of EPs, with the remixes, is so great

I mean this next one, c'mon - world-historical

Gtting a feel of deja vu as I move inevitably to identify its constituents, like I might have posted them before  (the pathways of desire we trace and retrace, eh? like lines scored into the cerebellum)


M said...

People of chemistry is an Hon. Elijah Muhammad speech!


I assumed it was Nation of Islam - I guess sped up a bit