Friday, June 30, 2023

sample spotting saddo ("a wild nobility")


pilfers the intro tribal chant from this

My handmade Ant scarf, done with Indian ink I think, or maybe felt tip.

Also pictured, a Bow Wow Wow badge I made for the song "Elimination Dancing", with "how to foxtrot" style  dance steps diagram 

Strangely I don't think "See Jungle" or "Jungle Boy" or any other Bow Wow Wow song ever got sampled by the hardcore posse....

Looking to see if they were sampled, I came across the fact that Kevin Shields remixed "I Want Candy" for the Marie Antoinette soundtrack 

But apart from some added echo and reverb-trails, he doesn't seem to have done a lot to it or with it. 

Still, the convergence of my favorite band of circa 1981 with my favorite guitarist circa 1988  is the kind of thing that really ought to be too too much

Far more than Adam's sound, fab as it was, Bow Wow Wow was my idea of sexmusic, just  as MBV was my idea of sexmusic in 88 (and indeed 89-90-91)

When I heard through the grapevine that MBV were into jungle and listening to the pirates nonstop (probably the exact same pirates as me - they lived just up the road from me in Tulse Hill then, I ran into them once outside the Effra Road laundrette), it just seemed too good to be true.

Too bad that they never put out any material in that vein - at least, not when it would have been a crucial intervention to have done so. 

What finally seeped was too little, way too late. 

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