Saturday, September 7, 2024

"jungle" three years ahead of schedule


Via Droid, here's an 1989 pirate radio show on which Randall (RIP) talks about "jungle beats"  - at about 3.55 mins into this clip. 

The track playing is Renegade Soundwave's "The Phantom" - a beat later  sampled by Omni Trio for "Stronger"

One thing I've found consistently is that whenever you think you can pinpoint the moment  when a musical term or genre name gets adopted, you will always find an earlier example.... there's sort of new-word seep-backwards-through-time syndrome

It applies to almost everything

- grunge (used all through the 1980s and probably has earlier usages)

- punk 

- postpunk

- post-rock

- rave 

- poptimism

- Britpop

- rock and roll

- boogie 

- grime (well, "grimy" was used by Onyx almost a decade earlier)

And don't get me started on "techno".... 

Hell, I even found I'd coined neurofunk almost a decade earlier than when I affixed the term to a shit direction in drum and bass 

Talking of funk... they used that in the 1950s, as a specifically musical term, in the context of jazz, hard bop and that end of the spectrum. (Obviously it had other meanings - including the completely non-congruent  quaint-Brit Rudyard Kiplingesque meaning of "loss of nerve", "fearfulness" - as well as the connotatively proximate ones of body odour, sex-smell, etc) 

"Indie" is another one.... color me surprised to see it pop up twice in Nik Cohn's Awopbop:

- describing Apple Records, he says something  that started out as the grand Beatles dream of a free space for artists of all kinds, inventors, people trying to do experimental happenings, etc, but then it shrank down to being just an “indie record label”

- he talks about Andrew Loog Oldham, manager of the Stones, starting his own indie label Immediate Records. Admittedly quite a ways from what indie would mean after punk – although only in his early 20s still, Oldham’s immensely wealthy, a record business insider, lots of contacts, and through Immediate signs up acts many of whom have hits. Doubtless it went through major label distribution too. So indie just means there’s just one boss, the guy who founded it, calling the shots. 

That said, I would be surprised to find if anyone used the term "arsequake" prior to the, well, Arsequake League 

And I feel like "shoegaze" came out of nowhere, as did "trip hop".

The journalistic coinages seem to be more likely to emerge ex nihilo (not always though - post-rock as we know first used in 1967) whereas the ones that come from scenes and populations in an organic sort of way.... you will find more of a semantic prehistory... 

"Punk" as a word goes back to Shakespeare's time. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

echo? not-lively business!


Love the echo-chamber swathing this MC on Rude FM in '94.

Makes it sounds ghostified, more like a lost Suicide track in the vein of "Space Blue" than usual rowdy ragamuffin RUFFian bizniz

Reminded me of this favorite clip of MC OC on Don FM from the year before - starts at around 9.42 seconds in 

Saturday, August 31, 2024



Loft Conversion E.P.  - you got to love it

St Albans massive - part of the Hertfordshire Annex to the Hardcore Continuum (Omni, Source Direct, Photek, Gappa G and Hypa Hypa, Omni Trio, DJ Trax I think, others too)

Not in the first rank of ardkore + jungle - now if they were Omni level, there'd be more polemical strength to the comparison with you-know-who

But this kind of thing = the real Britpop.  I thought that then. Think it now. 

And it was pretty popular, with the populace. Chart music for a good stretch there..

This is Oaysis's first-rank moment 

"I think we've found / A special place...  Just close your eyes / And dream with me"

Better still, the Slipmatt remix

Oaysis started on Formation, up in Leicester, then went to an actual Hertfordshire label - Stevenage's Moving Shadow

One of those groups that tended to go a bit wispy when they shifted from ardkore to intelligent 

One of them  - Danny Hopkins - became Hopa, as in Hopa & Bones - a name that always tickled me.  Although I can see now that it's just a twist on Hopkins. Still, it's an archetypally nuum sort of name, isn't it? Hopa n Bones.

Hopa and Bones featuring Oaysis - a transitional nomenclature. Was this like Hopa saying to the other two in Oaysis - "okay, you can be in the room with us while me and Bones make the tune?" Like letting them down gently, aka not pulling the bandage off.  Maybe they helped, contributed, advis.

Or  maybe it was trying to drag over the "name-recognition" factor into the new enterprise.

Good stuff. Not wispy at all. Glistening and "musical" and cold-fresh-airy, yet the beats are lively and limber, the bass booms in all the right places. 

Danny Hopkins also recorded, earlier, as Higher Octave 

Track called "Raise the Bones"

The other two seem to have dropped out of music.

Thursday, August 29, 2024



                                                    Sonix by Eugeniusz Rudnik