Monday, January 31, 2011

the story of Goldie never ceases to amaze me

the story of what he did after this


the story of what he did and what happened to him before this

but in the end

--and this and this and this and this -- and this and this and this and this -- are the Apex

even if only a relative few -- the "those who know" cru -- will ever hear them

hell, it's more of a legacy than almost any of us will achieve

Thursday, January 27, 2011

digging-in-the-crates photoblog Dust & Grooves inspects the amazing record collection of deejay DB of NASA/Sm:)e/Breakbeat Science fame

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

this shit really is the son of ardkore

or grandson

like 93 darkside fueled by DMT rather than bad E

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

labrynth footage

fragments of a night in what i'm guessing is 93

for full E-ffect of being there, click play for all 9 segments simultaneously


another night from a year later

late 94, by this point it had gone happy hardcore


agree with that sentiment


this one before my time, before Labrynth settled at the Four Aces in Dalston, when it was a peripatetic warehouse rave.

in 89 i was too busy listening to the bleedin' telescopes and stuff like that

during 92-95 went to Bagleys a bunch of times but never to a Labrynth rave there i don't think, at one point the parties were called Double Dipped I think


Tasco Warehouse?!?!


never got to the Roller Express

or Innersense at the Lazerdrome

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

if only this were a real coffee table book!

the cover art of Reinforced Records

the record sleeves start out thrillingly stark and aberrant, get more fussed-over and convoluted, and then start to look pretty putrid

mirroring, i suspect

a/ technological advances

b/ what was happening with the music

(via blue lines revisited)