Sunday, December 22, 2024

in - out... in... out... Shake'n' Vac it all about

 "i always feel like UK Hard House has been snubbed from being part of the "hardcore continuum"...... like listen to this and tell me it wasnt massively influenced by jamaican soundsystem culture"

- says someone on Twitter, completely misunderstanding how the nuum works (it's not like a party you're invited or not to invited to...  or a club with a strict bouncer - me! - at the door. Hard house is not nuum because they were no hard house pirate radio stations, no MCs or rewinds or dubplates etc etc)

Anyway I love this idea that a random Musical Youth sample is indication, nay proof, of the deep connection between hard house and Jamaican music!

Mind you, it's a pretty exciting track. Reminds me of the Commander Tom "Are Am Eye" killertune - not nuum, but Noom

I heard this the other day for the first in a decade probably and was struck by how Eurorave it was  - that Nordic race memory coming through the Dutch / Afrikaans thing 

I kinda would like to have liked Hard House more, just cos it's so pillhead lumpenprolekult....but it's a bonebrained stomp too far for me. 

Bit like the Liberator squat acid thing - I loved the whole "It's not Intelligent, It's not from Detroit, But it's fucking 'avin it" stance - and probably would have vicariously enjoyed the mad-for-it vibe in a squatrave.  But when it comes to actually listening habitually to that kind of thing...

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