Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Futuremanic trax (1 of ?)




  1. Have always really liked A-Sides's "Future" from 1991, simple as it is. (I remember getting a peevish message on YouTube about having uploaded that one years ago, back when there was internal mail. I guess the newer video is in good standing.)

    Other thought: For all of the macho gloom and performative paranoia, I have always loved this aspect of jungle, that it seems so optimistic in its preoccupation with "the future," an idea it never much bothered with spelling out, determining, fixing in advance (as far as I can tell). It's genuinely charming, looking back from the present. The Afrofuturistic aspect of 4hero comes to mind, too.

  2. Ah that's a good one - I'll add it to the Vol 2 post

    Yes jungle did have a lot of eyes-to-the-horizon future tunes as well as the darkphuture stuff

    All the ones in that vein I could think of are in this batch - can you think of any others?

  3. Tuff Little Unit - Join the Future (Warp)

  4. Ooh how on earth did i forget that one!
