Tuesday, May 3, 2016

hardvapour, or "feel-bad rave music on shitty drugs"

"Inside ‘hardvapour’, the internet’s latest microgenre - Like vaporwave, seapunk, and witch house before it, hardvapour is a tongue-in-cheek microgenre that’s growing into something much bigger" - Dazed article by Mike Broomfield

"the micro-microgenre that’s being described as “fucking straight-up stupid”“angry feel-bad rave music on shitty drugs”"

wosX : “It’s a complete antithesis to what vaporwave originally set out to be: fast music, non-sampled work, darker themes, anti-nostalgia, grim aesthetics, Slavic cultural influences in response to the majorly Asian culture within vaporwave.”

"The hoover-thump of gabber never sounded so melancholic as it does on “Bloodline”.... a mournful rave on the post-apocalyptic shores of the Black Sea."

"The understated Balkan influence here is poignantly dystopic, as accordions wheeze alone among the street sounds of a ruined future city."

Slavic and Balkan influences? Gabber and industrial-EBM-darkwave and turbofolk flavas? 

All that reminds me a bit of another spoof - of mine and Matt's 

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